ArtsEducation KunstBildungVermitltung

Art education

Dance Meditations: semnatic movement & artTalk

at the interface between works of art / objects / space / media and viewers 
Sustainable development, social ecology

The self-reflection of the participants as well as the collective experiences should move toward new perspectives, open questions
and inspire for further research.

SprachenWeb format: phonetic and linguistic landscapes, movement and language

Art widens and opens new perspectives on the world and ourselves.
exploring Art space as  a form of individual exile and as landscape 
of imaginative communities.
 Discussions on various topics are encouraged  by open questions,  
participants are invited to reflect on 'self ' in various contexts and thereby gain access to various languages, living environments and forms of expression.

My  program Web_Scape focuses on the effects of the current measures linked to the COVID-19 crisis  and its influence on social behaviour,  social relationships, in particular on interpersonal communication and the associated sensitivities, actions and consequences.

How can art encourage communication and  support the practice of the current codes related to social distance?

How far are the virtual spaces interwoven with real social networks and communication?

The guiding questions form a mental composition on the content of my mediation.
I support people of all ages to find a personal access to art as a space for self-reflection and communication.
I view cultural mediation as a dialogical process of research, discovery and reflection.

Independently as well as with teams, I develop diverse mediation formats such as thematic tours, multilingual workshops, events, projects, as well as training seminars for teaching staff, cultural mediators and other interested parties.

In addition, I develop printed brochures, learning material, create media pages and blogs to promote various events and activities in museums, galleries and cultural establishments.

The scientific pillars of my conception are based on  linguistic and sociological analyses by postmodern authors, such as sociological considerations (N. Elias) and linguistic-philosophical and semiotic analyses by J.F. Lyotard, Umberto Eco and  J. Derrida. 
The image of 'Web' relates to the heterogeneous world society and its interwaweing process by 
application of individual ideas, thoughts and languages into imaginative, or into already existing landscape of knowledge in a variety of expressions by traditions, cultures, languages, a.o. forms. 

All programs for students, school classes, kindergarten groups and all educational care centres are related to the current curricula, socio-cultural and media-technological developments.

Tatjana Christelbauer MA

Educational format BGF2030: intercultural education: health culture

ArtImpact2030 Hundertwasser´s ecology and intercultural bridges
Calmant ... Pink. Art installation, performance IkuBi-intercultural education 2030 Museum education & projects: Hundertwasser's art and ecology

* 30-90-180 minute talk sessions and workshops

"Grammar of seeing": the pillars of mindfulness according to Hundertwasser's ecological ideas
(suitable for blind and visually impaired)

*Country-specific Cultural Diplomacy:

Art and Faith
Femina Divina: Dance & Spirituality, Women in World Religions;
Sacred dance forms in contemporary art;
Symbols and practices: "stay in love ..." (M.M.Schörl

Learning museum: Art for Children (age up to 6 years)
UN SDG talk sessions; Hundertwasser's intercultural bridges;
ArtIkulissimi: language playes ,
Linguistic & phonetic landscapes

Tatjana Christelbauer Home art exibition, Reflexions on Peace in the time of war
Digital Exibitions and Performance.
Vernissage.DanceTalks.Brushing Memories. Art_Exile:
Humanitarian space in times of resentment
Kulturvermittlung Zertifikat Tatjana Christelbauer
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Tatjana Christelbauer KunstBildungVermittlung