
Bodenwieser-Mandukic expression ^ dance ^ languages

Art education 2030::

Gertrud Bodenwieser, Smiljana Mandukic

virtual and in-house workshops, conferences, in-talk sessions


Practice, theory, research, diplomacy on stage presentations, CD2030

Expressive dance 21st century danceArts4Health

supporting the UNESCO resolution 2005 on the protection of dance arts under the banner of the intangible world cultural heritage and the UN SDG 11:

keeping legacy alive, dance arts history on the pulse of time

Holistic practices

for cross-generational practices

on-site & virtual sessions

for individuals and teams:

mental health & wellbeing, communication skills,

 expression variety

movement & cognition

by sessions:


Lungenflügel ..


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Tatjana Christelbauer KunstBildungVermittlung