
Lungenflügel ^ breath of time

artwork created by my scholar Miriam from the Noah´s Ark Academy Maragoli, inspired by our IkuBi2030-art edu zoom-session on Inner anatomy, impact of breathing on communication and relational cultures, life and emotional state

  Language is nothing but the realization of the species, the mediation of the ‘
I’ and ‘Thou’ . . . 
The word's element is ‘air’, the most spiritual and universal medium of life.  
  (Feuerbach in: Wartofsky 1977, p. 182)
^borrowed mindful thoughts and integrated into novel context, 
not necessarily connected with atheism as I do not perceive "love and faith as contradictory" reffering to ^other love^ in the notions of Paul Ricoeur on "diagrammatic love" in his work "The Language of faith" (1973)


moderated articulatory phonetic exercises, inner breathing, bodily movement sequences

Dance ~ Well sessions

Federführung ^pilothea

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