
Heartbell ^Herzglocke

Heartbell ^Herzglocke


artistic attempts to inner body, medicine & linguistics


art-based methodological approach and research in relational effects of various languages on heart rhythm

in the interaction of the lungs, heart and speech organs

emotional, symbolical & organic attempts to HeART

with AI art, dance techniques and articulatory phonetics

in a multilingual setting

by use of EEG, EKG, Laryngograph, new media technologies

The term "Heartbell ^Herzglocke"  has been coined in the process of writing a documentary album with historical bricks deriving from the life and work of the two Vienna-born expressive dance pioneers in 2021:

Gertrud Bodenwieser (heart- as a universal symbol of love & pain), and her student, Smiljana Mandukic

("Zvono"-bell- an exercise from Mandukic dance training oeuvre)

The biographical album in Serbian/German was written on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Austrian Cultural Forum Belgrade and presented at the online conference organized by the ACD Association.

Virtual format is available on the Austrian Forum Graz website.

Heartbell ^ Herzglocke

 term is applied in further research activities and approaches to various phenomena as a title for guidance in creative thinking and design processes

The open focus group Heartbell2030 d.a4h  organizes annual virtual meetings and plans further joint projects as part of the  Art4Health art project series, training sessions and  research art4health that includes Dance   ~ Well program parts, Lungwing  &   Feathership dance meditation series, creative design workshops and art installation in space & outdoors, virtual & imaginative

Heartbell open focus group                        Heartbell2030 conference            Heartbell  workshops ERASMUS + project

"Srce  ^systole_diastole ..."

creative Workshops, in multilingual Setting with terms from the inner anatomy with &4 children

trainings with &4 youth, pedagogues and interested communities, corporations, researchers, ...

Activities are composed as a bound of inTalk sessions and acts in sustainable nutrition,  bodily movement, voice & breathing exercises, space design, AI art & music

Formats: 2-hours. Workshops, Seminars, Projects, art in residence, .. virtual and on-site Sessions

methodology is grounded in the art&health concept

Interested in joint research, project cooperation?

contact us

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Tatjana Christelbauer KunstBildungVermittlung